This wedding that I am attaching photos to was a couple from New Jersey. She was Chinese and he was Japanese. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to measure up to the competition.
I think as a photograhper it is also important to realize that this is not just about the bride and groom and their day....(well it is really-) But it is important to remember it's the day of the family and friends too. It's important to let the guests get their shot.
Sometimes I will set the bride and groom up just for the perfect snap shot for the guests. This way everyone can get their shot and can then head on out to the reception.
In one wedding I had a guy...really nice guy who was on my heals shooting. It was a little more than distracting when I tripped over him, but I remained professional and was accommodating. I later learned he was an aspiring photographer from Ohio and also a groomsmen. So I told him that he can have the bride and groom for as long as he needed and I will then continue when he is done. LOL
The bride and groom would have no part of it. They knew we had only a short time before we had to get to the reception. They wanted the photography I could provide to them!! They told him to finish up and wanted me to take over again. After the wedding we exchanged e-mails and I was flattered when he was asking for photography tips.
My next blog I will continue with this couple and give details about different cultures and using an action to create a reaction.
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